A place for me to track my progress and changes in my life throughout my time at the University of Wales, Institute Cardiff

Me, Myself, And I

My photo
I'm Robyn, I've just moved to Cardiff, from a little town in the valleys, Ebbw vale :) This blog is a way in which I can keep track of how I change throughout the next 3 years of my life.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Super-Market Sweep

Supermarkets often provide different ranges of the same products, that range from an everyday value option, to a more extravagant or luxury option. For Asda, these are the "Asda Smart Price" range and "Asda Extra Special". I have chosen to analyse the differences and similarities between Asda "Smart Price" chocolate chip cookies and Asda "Extra Special" All-butter Belgian chocolate cookies.
      Packaging is the first major difference apparent when comparing the two products. In the case of the "Smart Price" cookies, the packaging consists of a plain white packet, with green and black lettering. It simply states the product inside the wrapper, using the description "cookies containing chocolate chips", and the nutritional and ingredients. Although it is very simplistic, the design is quite iconic, meaning that it is instantly recognisable as Asda "Smart Price". Whereas the packaging for the "Extra special" has a much more regal theme. With a dark purple box, with cream and gold lettering. The Extra Special logo also contains a five star motif, suggesting that the quality of these biscuits is higher than other options available to the customers.  The packet describes its contents as "Rich and crumbly, baked with dark & milk Belgian chocolate chips", making them sound much more appetising than its Smart Price counterpart. Three sides of the box have the same design on them, with the fourth containing all of the ingredients and nutritional information.
      Another difference evident before opening the packaging is the difference in the amount of biscuits per pack. Although the Smart Price cookies have alot more biscuits, the Extra Special individual cookies are alot bigger in size.
     There is a distinct taste difference between the two ranges. While the overall taste, and chocolate richness was far higher in the Extra Special cookies than the "Smart Price" version, the "luxury" option was completely hollow. Even though the picture on the front of the packaging for these cookies depicts a very full, deep cookie. Suggesting that, although the packaging suggests that these cookies are the best quality, their actually, not as good as you'd expect.
      There is a big difference in price, with the "Smart Price" cookies costing only 38p, while the Extra Special cookies cost £1.67, meaning that the Extra Special cost more than 4 times as much as their value equivalent.
The Extra Special cookies are more attractive to look at, as well as looking like they are more expensive. This could mean that, according to the theories of Verblen, Badrillard, and Bourdieu , these are the biscuits someone would buy in order to show that they have a better social status than others, that they can afford to buy the better biscuits.  
      In conclusion, the Extra Special range of cookies, although they did taste the better of the two, were not very good value for money. They do however depict a better sense  of "taste" than their cheaper counterparts.

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GCSE Grades- Drama, Double award science, English, English Lit, Maths, Statistics, ICT, History- All B Grades

Btech- Double Business, 2 Distinctions

ALevel Results- Media Studies C Grade, History C Grade, Mathematics D Grade.

Previous Employment

My first taste of work was, like many others, school run work experience. I spent mine at Beaufort Theatre and Ball Room, and i really, really enjoyed it.

Through school I held a couple of part time positions. Firstly at a Bridal shop, while here I learnt to be confident with customers, as well as to have a friendly approachable manner while in the shop. I learnt skills such as fitting ladies, and taking measurements, to using the till system, and setting up presentable displays for the shop window.

I was also employed at Dominos pizza for a time, while I studied for my Alevels. Whilst here I learnt to use their computer and telephone systems, as well as the obvious cooking and cleaning responsabilities that came with working in a fast food outlet.

Currently I am working at The Millenium Stadium, and Cardiff City Stadium, Serving behind the bar and food counter. Its really fun, I meet alot of new people, and get to work on my convosational skills.

Text and the city

Text and the city
I have FINALLY chosen my Text and The City pictures. I know I don't have quite as strong a connection with Cardiff as others in the class, but I do love Cardiff, and its the only BIG city that myself and my friends ever visited from home, being Ebbw Vale, a small town with hardly anything there.
Okay, Spillers is my first choice, Sadly this picture is of the new Spillers, not the one thats been open for years, and means something to me, but since thats gone now, this is the next best thing. You know how you get those shops that are "Cool" and shopping in them is "Cool"? well for people who love fashion maybe its Monsoon, or RiverIsland, but for people who like music its got to be Spillers! HMV is far too main stream, and everyone shops there, its cool to evenbe seen walking into Spillers.
For my boyfriend his equivilant would be Routeone, because hes into the skater culture, and he likes to feel part of the culture by visiting this shop whenever we go into Cardiff town.
The new Spillers is in the Morgan arcade, where my favourite shop of all time is also situated, Rossitors.
Apparently Spillers Cardiff was established in 1894, which makes it the oldest music shop in the world! So if thats not worth a mention, i don't know what is.

My second Text and the City text is The Millenium Stadium. The sheer size of the stadium makes it a huge part of Cardiff. All the main sporting events take place here, and all the major concerts. Its positioning also makes it an obvious choice to me, upon entering Cardiff, the Stadium is the first thing you see. Its often the first thing I think of, as, before moving here myself, a mojority of the time that I was visiting Cardiff it would be to go to an event here. The fact that the Wales Rugby team call the stadium home, means it not only conveys an idea of Cardiff to me, but also of Welsh-ness. All of my family have been to see a Wales match here. Usually Wales Vs Ireland 6 Nations, as my nan is Irish, this makes for a very eneteraining teasing session of my nan if Wales win, and a not so enteraining being teased session if they dont. So its a big thing to my family.
I have also just been empolyed here, for the duration of the Wales interanational rugby matches this Autumn. So I imagine this will grow significantly in my mind as a signifier of Caridff.

Wetherspoons, The Aunerin Bevan

Wetherspoons, The Aunerin Bevan
So, Third and final choice is the Aunerin Bevan, J.D Wetherspoons pub. Which seems an odd choice, or possibly quite a lazy one, but this photo is actually the view from my flat in my halls of reseidence. What conveys the message of Cardiff more than the view I see every single day?
So, having a "Spoons" right opposite my house, its useful, especially since im such a terrible cook. I've been there for a few cooked dinners now, they arnt up to my mam's standard, but thier far better than mine.

Hopes and aspirations

I know that by the time I get to university I should have a clear idea in my head about what i want to be "When I Grow Up", but I never had the moment when everything became clear and I knew exactly what I wanted from the rest of my life.
As with everyone undertaking a degree, I want to get the best results I possibly can, to open up the possiblity of getting a good job when I leave.
I am fasinated by both the film and music industries. So would love to gain a career in either. I'm not sure, however, exactly what career that would be, Im hoping that the course, and any work experience I gain throughout will help me to make a firm decision.